Gender Expansive Voice for School SLPs

Online Course | June 1 - June 24

Gender Expansive Voice Therapy for School Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs)
  • This course is available for 1.4 ASHA CEUs in the subject of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity, Professional Area (Intermediate Level).

    In this course, school SLPs will learn everything they need to know about gender expansive voice care for transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) students, from policy to technique through a culturally responsive lens. This course features pre-recorded content and readings, as well as a live component.

    To complete this course for ASHA CEUs, participants must complete all asynchronous work and attend the live meeting on June 24. Asynchronous content will be made available on June 1. Participants must view all pre-recorded lecture content and complete a quiz following each lecture, as well as complete the assigned readings and submit a written response to the readings. Active participation and engagement are expected during the live meeting. Attendance at the live meeting is mandatory for completion of the course. This course is not available for partial credit.

  • Participants will:

    Familiarize themselves with ASHA policy and resources and federal legislation guiding inclusion and service provision to gender diverse populations

    Evaluate workplace/educational practice policies and processes for inclusivity of gender diverse populations

    List action steps toward creating safe(r) and affirming environments for TGNC students through policy and procedure

    Identify trauma-informed, best practices in working with TGNC teens

    Describe the structure and function of the vocal mechanism

    Summarize concepts related to gender attribution and communication

    Generate sample IEP goals related to vocal congruence

  • Before 6/24, participants should complete the following:

    Complete assigned readings

    Submit response to readings

    View the pre-recorded lectures

    Complete the quiz following each lecture

    Pre-recorded lecture topics:

    Creating Safe(r) Spaces in K-12 Schools (2 hours)

    Back to Basics: Review the Foundations of Voice Through a Gender-Affirming Lens; Structure, Function, Gender, and Communication

    Goal Writing; Sharing Empowerment Strategies

    Schedule for 6/24 (LIVE component)

    9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Culturally Responsive, Trauma-Informed Voice Care for TGNC Teens

    11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Questions & Answers Session

    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - LUNCH

    1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Techniques Workshop

    3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Wrap-up, Questions, Comments, and Next Steps

    Detailed time-ordered agendas for lectures are included in the syllabus which will be distributed to participants on June 1.

  • Refund Policy

    Paid registrations for live courses are refundable up to 5 days before the course start date.

    Course Cancellation Policy

    In the event that a live program is canceled, the registrant shall have registration fees refunded to them. If the course is rescheduled, participants will need to complete a new registration.

    Complaint Policy

    The CREDITs Institute strives to maintain customer satisfaction with the educational offerings of the organization. For complaint resolution, please email

    Course Accommodations

    Pre-recorded lectures have closed captioning enabled. Closed captioning will also be available during live meetings of this course. If you require additional accommodations, please contact


About the Instructor

AC Goldberg (he/him) PhD, CCC-SLP is an intersex/transgender Speech-Language Pathologist. AC is ASHA certified, a member of the WPATH, and a member of the Trans Voice Initiative. He offers cultural responsiveness training through his CE platform, CREDIT and consulting services through his agency, Transplaining.

Learn more about AC

Financial: AC is a current employee of Somerville Public Schools in Somerville, MA. He is the founder and CEO of Transplaining.

Non-financial: AC is a founding member of the Trans Voice Initiative and is a topic area expert in gender for the Informed SLP. He is a 2022 ASHA Convention Planning Committee member in Health Literacy: Access, Communication, and Outcomes. He is also on the community advisory board overseeing research out of Boston University about the effects of exogenous testosterone therapy on communication in AFAB speakers.